Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Last To The Party Again

I know it's had a lot of coverage in the Blogosphere, but just in case anyone has been on the Moon recently, here's news of the latest hole down which the Eurotrash are throwing our cash: the European Parliament has set up a unit to "detect lies, errors and other types of misleading reporting on the EU constitution in the European media". That's the European media, as opposed to the European Parliament, where lying about the EU is strongly encouraged. Anyway, for the record (and because I can't get the link to work), here're the e-mail addresses for the whiny ones:

Gérard LAPRAT glaprat@europarl.eu.int (Former Sec-Gen of the Communists in the EP)
Jowita WYPYCH jwypych@europarl.eu.int
Joëlle FISS jfiss@europarl.eu.int
Ralph PINE rpine@europarl.eu.int
Bertrand PELTIER bpeltier@europarl.eu.int
Dominique ROBERT drobert@europarl.eu.int
Danièle RECHARD drechard@europarl.eu.int
Wilhelm LEHMANN wlehmann@europarl.eu.int
Jose Luis PACHECO jpacheco@europarl.eu.int

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